decorate for fall!
Here are some customer favorites:
Ornamental Peppers
Beautiful and edible! As they ripen, ornamental peppers range in colors from purple to orange and from yellow to red.
This is Fall!
Straw Bales
Place a straw bale on your porch
with your corn shock and pumpkins
to make it look more festive.
Fall is for Planting!
Fall is a great time for planting. Cool nights give plants a time to rehydrate. Fall rains tend to be much more plentiful than other times of the year, so you don't have to spend as much time watering. Check out all our favorite fall plants:
Freshen up your Mulch!
We have a great selection of
mulches & soils for sale.
You can pick up anytime,
or we deliver.
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©2024 Nolt's Garden Center. All rights reserved.
Flower photos are courtesy of & used by permission of Proven Winners, Walters Gardens Inc., Syngenta Flowers, Selecta One, Ball Horticultural, & Dummen Orange.
Nursery photos are courtesy of & used by permission of Centerton Nursery, Iseli Nursery, Overdevest Nurseries, Spring Meadow Nursery & Horticopia.