Looking for great products to green up your yard?
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Simple solutions for a beautiful green yard!
Crabgrass Preventer
Crabgrass is best controlled with Crabgrass Preventer that stops it from germinating. The trick is to get the timing right. We recommend to apply preventer when the Forsythia are blooming. But the good news is that all of our Crabgrass preventers also works AFTER germination for a few weeks!
We usually don't see Crabgrass in the Spring because it is tiny. Once we get to hot Summer weather (July), it suddenly overtakes the grass. By then, it is too late to stop it. You are best to try again next year. In the Fall, the crabgrass weeds will die. But they have dropped seed that will grow again next year if it is not prevented.
Liquid Coverage:
Up to 6,600 sq. ft.
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
15,000 sq.ft.
Weed & Feed
Weed & Feed is perfect for controlling the broadleaf weeds like Dandelion, Clover, & Plantain Weed. Its growth-stopping active ingredients will burn/curl up the weeds in a few days. The good news is that they can be controlled at anytime from Spring to Fall!
Seed weeds like Dandelions are easily controlled. Spreading weeds can be more difficult and may require a late Summer spot application with a liquid product.
Liquid Coverage:
Up to 2,500 sq. ft.
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
15,000 sq.ft.
Summer Survival
Insects like Mosquitoes, Gnats, Ticks, & Ants can become a problem during the Summer heat. Summer Survival keeps your grass thriving while killing these unwanted bugs. It can be applied any season.
Insects like ants & ticks are easily controlled. Mosquitoes can prove more elusive because they hang out on the surrounding shrubbery more than on the grass. So using the liquid on your shrubbery is beneficial. Summer Survival kills small grubs in the Fall. If adult grubs are present (Spring), see Grub Control listing.
Liquid Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
15,000 sq.ft.
Winter Survival
The cold of Winter is hard on grass. Help your lawn get prepared with a fertilizer that is high in Potassium. Potassium helps to strengthen the roots so you have a beautiful lawn when Spring returns. Winter Survival also has a lower nitrogen that prepares the lawn with a slower growth rate.
Fall is the BEST time to fertilize your lawn. Since the weeds are dying or going dormant, this gives you a chance for your fertilizer to feed the grass only. Feeding your lawn now will pay off with a quick Spring green up!
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft. / 15,000 sq.ft.
Fungus Control
Fungi love the hot, humid weather of Summer. They can especially be a problem in wet, swampy areas. Infuse is a systemic fungicide that stops these blights from spreading or destroying your lawn.
Infuse is most effective as a preventative or at the first stage of the fungus. However, since fungus is not a common problem in this area, we recommend treating only if your lawn develops a problem or if you have had problems in prior seasons. We also have found that a blend of grass types (like Keystone Blend) helps in combating fungi.
Liquid Coverage:
Up to 3,200 sq. ft.
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
Grub Control
Grubs can destroy a lawn by eating off the roots of the grass. Grub beater can be applied anytime to kill them. Grubs are the immature stage of Japanese Beetles. So when you control grubs, you are controlling Summer's Japanese Beetles as well!
Grub damage can be identified by patches of brown grass that pull up easily with almost no roots. If you dig lightly in the soil, you can often find whitish grubs. In about June they will hatch into Japanese Beetles. The most effective time to treat is in the fall when the new grubs as still small. But Grub beater is strong enough to kill them whenever it is applied.
Granular Coverage:
5,000 sq.ft.
Organic Fertilizers
Organic Compost
Using Organic Compost is another way to improve your soil and make a beautiful lawn. Organic Compost brings back the nutrients taken away in grass clippings and leaves. Our compost is made from cow manure for lots of nutrients and blended with leaf compost for consistency. It also helps to build up the organic matter in your topsoil. This allows the topsoil to retain more water.
We have everything you need to seed your lawn! We have grass seed, soil, straw, and fertilizer. Check out the 3 steps to growing your beautiful lush green lawn.
We have everything you need to seed your lawn! We have grass seed, soil, straw, and fertilizer. Check out the 3 steps to growing your beautiful lush green lawn.
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Flower photos are courtesy of & used by permission of Proven Winners, Walters Gardens Inc., Syngenta Flowers, Selecta One, Ball Horticultural, & Dummen Orange.
Nursery photos are courtesy of & used by permission of Centerton Nursery, Iseli Nursery, Overdevest Nurseries, Spring Meadow Nursery & Horticopia.