Fall Flowers

Ornamental Peppers

Ornamental peppers are a unique and beautiful option to add color to fall planters. Peppers start out green or yellow and mature to red, orange, yellow, or purple. The peppers will last until a hard frost, which is often into November. They like a well drained soil. Peppers can be spicy; handle with care. We have large selection with both larger peppers and mini peppers.

Fall Celosia

Celosias add a zap of brilliant color to fall planters. While they are very heat tolerant, their flowers last extra long in the cooler fall weather. Prefer Full Sun. They will last until frost.

Ornamental Kale

Ornamental kale is made for cool fall weather. As the temperatures get cooler, the the center changes to vibrant red, purple, or white. This contrasts beautifully against the outer dark green leaves. They tolerant temperatures well below freezing, often lasting until Christmas.

Fall Pansies

Pansies are well known for their cheerful Spring flowers.  They are just as great in the fall. We have several cheerful colors in different sizes including hanging baskets.  Pansies prefer well drained soil. Pansies will tolerate frost and freezing. Sometimes they will even last through the winter and rebloom in the Spring.

Ornamental Grasses

Grasses are the perfect tall center piece for planters. Their dark purple or vibrant red foliage is topped with soft cattail plumes. Ornamental grasses will tolerate frost.

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